If you run a website which gets traffic then a very good way to build on that audience to create a long-term relationship is to collect their email address. This gives you a one-to-one way of communicating with them to share new content or to promote services or products they might be interested … [Read more...]
What is Newsjacking? Real-Time Linkbaiting
There is a symbiotic relationship between news media and the growing internet population. Both parities continuously raise the bar for instantaneous modes of communication and commerce. The pressure from the consumers is on, but those on the other end have adopted, becoming just as responsive and … [Read more...]
Why Grayhats & Blackhats Aren’t the Problem With SEO
I've had the following rant percolating in my mind for some time now. It is a familiar gripe that rings as true in me as any. It can be summarized as: Pure white hat marketers need to shut the hell up and stop pretending their shit does not stink. It has felt to me for a long time that Google, … [Read more...]
How to Use HTML Meta Tags For Better Search Engine Results
When your web site is found by a search engine like Google, they look for certain pieces of information to display in their results. HTML meta tags are one of the first things they check for.If you don't have the meta tags in place the search engine will just display an excerpt of text from the … [Read more...]
The Link Building Process in GIF Form
Another quiet morning in the office so you decide to check your ranking reports...But you discover that your competitors are outranking you with link spamSo off you go sending emails to bloggers and webmasters hunting for links...But then you hit email number 58 and you're all.... … [Read more...]
Why Do People Share Content?
In my recent content strategy post I told you that I would be writing up some articles on how to promote the hell out of the content you had created. I think it’s important for anyone involved in starting a blog and creating content to understand what will motivate someone to share your content and … [Read more...]
Traffic Tips to Kickstart your Crowdfunding Campaign
You've had that next billion dollar idea and you're going to raise your first $25k via Kickstarter, Indiegogo or another crowd funding site to make it a reality.Simply put, crowdfunding is the process of asking the general public for donations that provide startup capital for new ventures. Using … [Read more...]
How to use Scrapebox for Link Building not Spamming
Scrapebox is well known in the SEO community as a Grey Hat, Black Hat, Yellow Polka Dotted Hat link building tool that is mainly used by blog commenting spammers. If you have ever spent any time reading blogs you will have seen the stereotypical comments on blogs. They usually say things such as … [Read more...]
Improve your WordPress SEO
I have been using Wordpress for several years now, for both my projects and for working on my client’s web profiles. I’m certainly not alone when it comes to utilising this CMS though — tens of millions of sites online are powered by the software. The WordPress Codex says that “WordPress, straight … [Read more...]